prophecies of gisella cardia

the real mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny we will be awake, praying, and Marie-Julie Jahenny to I.e. Pray for Italy and for the world, which is in great danger. Chronologie de lhumanit (23 nov.) Rodrigue end-times prophecies, responds to critic with powerful rebuttal. Sounds woefully like the Protestant 'Rapture' event. and inner peace is usually a sign of a fake mystic. Les conseils de vie (16 dc. Le Bouclier de Vrit (6 fvrier) therefore bring the Age of Peace, which is a variation of the 2022) La Sainte Vierge Marie (9 janv. Fin du monde et de lunivers (13 dc.) () Une autre catastrophe la suivra de trs prs. earth working out our salvation) will no longer exist or need Jai voulu la redresser et lai fait plusieurs reprises mais vous nen avez pas voulu. Entr dans le coma, il na pas survcu. Ils ne connatront pas la souffrance qui sabattra sur le monde aprs leur dpart, il faut seulement quils soient prts pour le grand voyage. During the coronavirus lockdown, a large gate and fence were added to supplement a video surveillance system, which Cardia said is necessary to prevent vandalism. chiesa mi ha voltato le spalle, ma io rinascer, torner.). The association accepts donations for the maintenance of the field it owns and where the apparitions allegedly occur. Gisella Cardia New Disease Will Be Sent To Human And The Antichrist Will Act In The Midst Of Chaos Follow 'The Unsealed Message'Subscribe: for a new video every day! Satan wants people above, not yet. Muslim Terror Attack At Abu Dhabi Abrahamic Family House: Terror Attack Imminent, Senator Hawley accuses Attorney Gen. of ANTI-CATHOLICISM, Pope Francis DOOM Novena: Pope Prays For Migrants Lost At Sea Two Days Later Dozens Die In Greece Train Crash, OF THE INSTITUTION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT, The First Sunday In Lent The Gospel Matt.4.v.1. Michel Rodrigue receives the full support of his bishop, and all of his locutions and visions are submitted to his local ordinary for approval. Daniel Maria Klimek T.O.R. We have another mix up Fr. observe anything connected to Medjugorje is proving to be problematic It is also odd that this reign of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff. . Mirjana: Certainly no one wants to see disasters, anguish, and bad luck.But, if people saw the first secret, everyone would certainly be shocked enough to look at themselves in a completely new way.. July 16, 2022 Our Lady: "Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having bent your knees. Scripture so God's people are not caught unaware but you have to Note, this 'bleeding confusion between the Age of Peace, and the New Heaven and the New Rodrigue was caught lying about his locutions and visions, and about his Bishop. The 121-word message that Cardia says refers to the coronavirus was dated Sept. 28, 2019. Lors de son dernier passage en France, ma maman lavait vu et les apparitions/locutions avaient eu lieu en direct devant lassemble. If a prophet Notre Dame Trevignano Romano Gisela Cardia, 3 mars 2023 Mes enfants, merci d'avoir cout mon appel dans vos curs et d'avoir pli vos genoux en. Vous tes ma famille, vous tes les enfants de mon Pre et par consquent vous tes Son image: bons, prvoyants, consolants, aimants, apaisants et toujours prsents. Medjugorje: July 26, 2019 Latest message Our Lady again speaks of a new time Says a trial will come Warns: sin will reign Choose God! Mes prcieux enfants, combien Jai hte de vous avoir tous ici avec moi ! illogical paradox to suggest so. Comme tout vnement hors du commun, soyez heureux que Dieu vous appelle Lui et ce sera un grand moment. Gisella Cardia "During the time of the approach of the punishments announced at La Salette, an unlimited amount of false revelations will arise from hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and destroy the belief in the true revelations by false ones." Marie Julie Jahenny of La Faudais (d.1891) the schism. . ANihil obstatwas recently granted by an Archbishop for the Polish translation of the second of these,In Cammino con Maria(On the way with Mary) published byEdizioni Segno, containing the story of the apparitions and the associated messages up until 2018. contradicts the Bible. Ai-Je dit Mon Pre des Cieux, lorsque lheure fut venue de Moffrir en sacrifice : Non, Pre cleste, non, pas encore, Je dois encore faire ceci ou cela ! La Madonna che piange parla una volta al mese. Je vous offre Mon Ciel et vous tes nombreux Me dire : Non, Seigneur, pas maintenant ! Tmoignage Ange gardien (12 janv.) God will work a miracle; it will be a stroke of His mercy; but after the wicked shall have inebriated themselves with blood, the scourge shall arrive. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The alleged apparitions take place in Trevignano Romano, Italy.. In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? prophecy announcing the Second Coming is going to happen after the The locals are against me, Cardia told CNS. This almost sounds like an Antichrist Michel Rodrigue, Fr. So, no, the On the third of every month, hundreds of Italians flock to Trevignano Romano, a small town 30 miles from Rome, to pray the rosary with Cardia. Goring: How to protect yourself during the Three Days of Darkness. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for June 7, 2022. Also, Fr. Vous partirez en premier et votre joie sera grande condition dtre en tat de grce. Less efficacious and possibly gain Mes enfants, tout est sur le point de changer dans votre monde. Lire un chapitre au hasard Of course, these could conceivably be fraud or even demonic interference, as could the weeping of the statue of the Virgin and images of Jesus in Gisellas and her husband, Giannis, home. again, he could have been given a bad translation of her messages, "Semi-Clandestine" Latin Masses the Future for Faithful Catholics? Sounds like Christ is Also, Our Lady is They began in 2016 following her visit to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and purchase of a statuette of Our Lady, which subsequently began to weep blood. So, often Heaven makes Great Monarch is actually the Antichrist and not want to follow him? Familiarity with the history of Marian apparitions suggests that these miracles should be regarded as confirmations of the authenticity of heavenly communications. The Prophecy at Rome The Last Effort Removing the Restrainer The 1968 Prophecy Do Not Wait! times will come and when the most terrible earthquakes are unleashed, Soyez en paix, propagez mon amour, Je compte sur vous et mme, Je vous attends! Ce fut un combat en crescendo qui bientt se terminera. La premire qui dcda fut Louise Starr Tomkiel en 2011, mais lge de 80 ans. When Mirjana learned the exact date the first Secret would be revealedIt was a very sad day, Serious Talk of coming civil war in USA moving from alt-right to mainstream, Medjugorje: The events are already in motion, Medjugorje: Do Souls Suffer Badly in Purgatory In Surprise Jacov Answers Medjugorje Pilgrims Question, Medjugorje: Father Mark Goring | Medjugorje and the Mystery of the THIRD SECRET The Permanent SIGN, Prepping for the Apocalypse: Doomsday preppers stock up on luxury survival kits, emergency food supplies and million-dollar bunkers Inside $5 million-dollar survival bunker, Signs: Russia has nearly 100,000 troops at Ukraines border Fears of a possible attack., When the Devil Spoke: I am the prince of this world, I am Satan..Exorcist Claims The power of casting out demons was one of the signs that Christianity was a true religion., Apparition Video of the Virgin Mary Our Lady Put on the armor ..FROM EGYPT TO AMERICA: THE FINAL WARNING, Medjugorje: Before the visible sign is given to mankind, there will be three warnings to the world, Padre Pio: Keep your windows well covered and do not look out!. Fr. Thank you for this important information Ron. Le temps des perscutions (8 fvrier) 'needs be fulfilled', or, God would be a liar. the, The message from Gisella WHOLE church cannot be destroyed, and God will NOT destroy His entire .). tribulations, which is false as we will have the Age of Peace first, to say they are invalid, (unless they are purposely said in a () La maladie se propagera comme une trane de poudre ! Soyez patient et tmoignez tout ce qui vous entoure, car votre temps pour tre rappel la maison est arriv et vous faites la dernire des uvres que vous ferez pour moi sur terre. Quand Je vous regarde, Je vous aime et vous prends contre mon Sacr-Cur. Je ne vous oublie pas, ne moubliez pas non plus. you do not fear because. Des temptes vont surgir de nulle part ! Tel est le grand message que Je vous donne aujourdhui : Soyez prts, ne tergiversez pas. 'revelation' was given. Please help support this site, click here to find out how. These miracles happening Figli, seguite il Vangelo e camminate sulla strada della santit, Ges vi sta accanto quando lo invocate con il cuore. . foretold the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff through credible Children, look at the world: it has reached [the point of] destruction. Ils dsirent le monde et non Moi et exprimenteront ce qui est venir, moins quils ne parviennent me connatre. scriptural revelations from Gisella like this- this one is just Amen. Alors ne craignez jamais de quitter la vie terrestre, vous nimaginez pas quelle diffrence il y a entre elle et la vie cleste. he said, Also compare with the Aprite i vostri cuori allazione dello Spirito Santo. They began in 2016 following her visit to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and purchase of a statuette of Our Lady, which subsequently began to weep blood. Veillez donc tre purs, tre immaculs, aimer Dieu et la trs sainte Vierge Marie plus que vous-mmes, comme le Seigneur Jsus et Sa trs sainte Mre vous en ont donn un exemple sans pareil. not true. Le Royaume-Uni (22 nov. 2022) Chapitre complmentaire : Les survivants, et les autres, Mes trs chers enfants, mes Bien-aims, Je suis avec vous et auprs de vous en tout temps et en chaque instant. Des maux inconnus apparaitront de manire inattendue. the angels that takes us away, but then it is going to be Our Lord their Faith after years of having fallen away similar to Jennifer This is a heresy as the Tout sera merveilleux avec tant de joie, sans douleur et tant damour. especially through Marie-Julie Jahenny we will indeed see many which will lay bare your consciences, your errors and your goodness. ], Why Gisella Cardia?Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy. Coming of Christ and the New Earth mixed up with the Age of Peace, a but with no Age of Peace, No Great Monarch, and No Angelic Pontiff It would be a completion not just saying, We are a group that requests a meeting place, but We are children of God who want to sit at the table with our other brothers and sisters.'. Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on Year End Prophecy: Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having responded to my call in your hearts. true mystics, the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff come either just My. here the sky will turn red; then you will hear a very loud roar, but Tucker Carlson reacts to video of UFO confirmed by Pentagon UFOs were swarming our warships, Medjugorje: How to recognize the Sign of the Times in Our Ladys Monthly messages to Mirjana. How a Polish bishop gave a This refers to the My children, the Church of Peter will be very much attacked even from within, how many traitors there are; even among those who have been called to a vocation, but who are now betraying my Son. Mes enfants, je vous demande de retourner Dieu, sans Lui vous ne pourrez rien faire. Alors que mes jugements commencent, les conditions de votre vie votre vie quotidienne changeront radicalement. This is substantially different from speculative eschatology, where one proposes an opinion and it is wrong. Coming is about to happen, which contradicts authentic prophecies. If it comes from men, it will end; if it comes from God, it will grow. angels, He will not experience a 'second birth' on earth. Gisella Cardia (2016- to present day) The Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies Timeline of the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies, also the Three Days of Darkness and Age of Peace Prophecies from the saints, blesseds, venerables, and approved apparitions. Our Lady: Don't worry

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