the counter reformation was a religious and political movement that

Protestant teachings were smuggled into Spain by Spaniards such as Julin Hernndez, who in 1557 was condemned by the Inquisition and burnt at the stake. This unit introduces three religious-based reform movements: Protestantism in mainland Europe, Protestantism in England, and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, as well as the subsequent violence they caused. Different reformers arose more or less independently of Luther in 1518 (for example Andreas Karlstadt, Philip Melanchthon, Erhard Schnepf, Johannes Brenz and Martin Bucer) and in 1519 (for example Huldrych Zwingli, Nikolaus von Amsdorf, Ulrich von Hutten), and so on. On August 24, 1572, in the midst of celebrations of a marriage between a Catholic princess and. All of Scandinavia ultimately adopted Lutheranism over the course of the 16th century, as the monarchs of Denmark (who also ruled Norway and Iceland) and Sweden (who also ruled Finland) converted to that faith. The Counter Reformation saw the Church use art, architecture, music and exploration to ensure that Christians understood that only St. Peter and the Church have the key: Rubens. The initial movement in Germany diversified, and other reformers arose independently of Luther such as Zwingli in Zrich and John Calvin in Geneva. The Church was omnipresent in early-modern European society. Spiritual Movements. Originally the Reformed Church in Poland included both the Calvinists and the Anti-trinitarians (also known as the Socinians and the Polish Brethren); however, they eventually split due to an inability to reconcile their divergent views on the Trinity. Back then, Slovakia used to be a part of the Kingdom of Hungary. [59] Between 1535 and 1540, under Thomas Cromwell, the policy known as the Dissolution of the Monasteries was put into effect. The Reformation spread throughout Europe beginning in 1517, reaching its peak between 1545 and 1620. The term Reformation refers to a great religious reform movement in Europe during the 16th century. 16th-century schism in Western Christianity, Political situation in Germany about 1560, Religious situation in Germany and Europe about 1560, The New Testament translated by Enzinas, published in, For an example of Reformation history in the Radical Reformation Tradition, see. He would later in the period 15171521 write works on devotion to Virgin Mary, the intercession of and devotion to the saints, the sacraments, mandatory clerical celibacy, and later on the authority of the pope, the ecclesiastical law, censure and excommunication, the role of secular rulers in religious matters, the relationship between Christianity and the law, good works, and monasticism. [16] The Council of Constance confirmed and strengthened the traditional medieval conception of church and empire. The term Protestant, though initially purely political in nature, later acquired a broader sense, referring to a member of any Western church which subscribed to the main Protestant principles. Friction with the pope over the latter's interference in Swedish ecclesiastical affairs led to the discontinuance of any official connection between Sweden and the papacy since 1523. [9] Some crypto-Protestants have been identified as late as the 19th century after immigrating to Latin America.[10]. The quality of the new Catholic schools was so great that Protestants willingly sent their children to these schools. [15] Wycliffe was posthumously condemned as a heretic and his corpse exhumed and burned in 1428. Each year drew new theologians to embrace the Reformation and participate in the ongoing, European-wide discussion about faith. The Deluge, a 20-year period of almost continual warfare, marked the turning point in attitudes. After this first stage of the Reformation, following the excommunication of Luther in Decet Romanum Pontificem and the condemnation of his followers by the edicts of the 1521 Diet of Worms, the work and writings of John Calvin were influential in establishing a loose consensus among various churches in Switzerland, Scotland, Hungary, Germany and elsewhere. Under Philip II, conservatives in the Spanish church tightened their grip, and those who refused to recant such as Rodrigo de Valer were condemned to life imprisonment. The establishment of many Protestant churches, groups, and movements, including. Counter Reformation, This designation for the great spiritual revival within the Church during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was used by Leopold von Ranke and g Old Catholics, Old Catholics, Christian denomination established by German Catholics who separated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church when they rejected (187 James Gibbons (american Cardinal), Gibbons, James . It could be considered to end with the enactment of the confessions of faith. "The Reformation in the Netherlands: Some Historiographic Contributions in English. The shift toward political and religious freedom in turn, helped spawn the Reformation movement, which caused a divide within the powerful Catholic Church, leading many Europeans to turn to then . This established the preconditions for a series of destructive and intermittent conflicts, known as the Wars of Religion. Even though the majority of the nobility were Catholic circa 1700, Protestants remained in these lands and pockets of Protestantism could be found outside the German-speaking lands of the former PolishLithuanian Commonwealth into the 20th century. Following the excommunication of Luther and condemnation of the Reformation by the Pope, the work and writings of John Calvin were influential in establishing a loose consensus among various churches in Switzerland, Scotland, Hungary, Germany and elsewhere. This massacre was perhaps the most notorious episode of religious violence of the Reformation era. Later on, Socinus and his followers emigrated to Poland. The Counter-Reformation was the label for the Roman Catholic revival of the sixteenth century. Although the Reformation is usually considered to have started with the publication of the Ninety-five Theses by Martin Luther in 1517, he was not excommunicated by Pope Leo X until January 1521. The Habsburgs, who ruled Spain, Austria, the Crown of Bohemia, Hungary, Slovene Lands, the Spanish Netherlands and much of Germany and Italy, were staunch defenders of the Catholic Church. Lutheranism gained a significant following in the eastern half of present-day Austria, while Calvinism was less successful. Various interpretations emphasise different dates, entire periods, or argue that the Reformation never really ended. Most current estimates place the world's Protestant population in the range of 800 million to more than 1billion. Through their education, many nobles became appreciative of Catholicism or out-right converted. The outstanding success of the Catholic Counter Reformation movement, however, is the longevity in which Catholicism has stayed the dominant religion in the country. The context of the Reformation was the strange state of the Catholic Church as of the late fifteenth century. ", "Protestantism and Education: Reading (the Bible) and Other Skills", "Work ethic, Protestantism, and human capital", "Beyond Work Ethic: Religion, Individual, and Political Preferences", "Does a Protestant work ethic exist? Both Luther and Calvin thought along lines linked with the theological teachings of Augustine of Hippo. Key events of the period include: Diet of Worms (1521), formation of the Lutheran Duchy of Prussia (1525), English Reformation (1529 onwards), the Council of Trent (154563), the Peace of Augsburg (1555), the excommunication of Elizabeth I (1570), Edict of Nantes (1598) and Peace of Westphalia (1648). Simul justus et peccator implied that although people could improve, no one could become good enough to earn forgiveness from God. The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Fewer referendums on leisure, state intervention, and redistribution in Swiss cantons with more Protestants. The Wars of the Reformation began with the Knights' Revolt of 1522-1523, followed by the German Peasants' Revolt in 1524-1525, the Eighty Years' War in 1566-1648, the French Wars of Religion . Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Historians began to concentrate on the values, beliefs and behavior of the people at large. A. worked to spread the ideas and teachings of John Calvin across Europe. The Catholic Reformation was a religious movement that transpired in the 1500s throughout Europe. The German Prince Philip of Hesse saw potential in creating an alliance between Zwingli and Luther, seeing strength in a united Protestant front. It emphasizes that the reaction to the Protestant challenge was the dominant theme of contemporary Catholicism. It covered the following five areas: Doctrine (ideology) Ecclesiastical or Structural Reconfiguration Religious orders Spiritual Movements Political Dimensions The Counter-Reformation began after Martin Luther 's Reformation. Some Protestants left Italy and became outstanding activists of the European Reformation, mainly in the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth (e.g. [87] However, there are a few popular interpretations. Which leader restored the Church of England? The Protestant Reformation Essay. He was asked to recant (to disavow) his writings at the Diet of Worms (an unfortunate name for a council held by the Holy Roman Emperor in the German city of Worms). A separate Protestant community, of the Lutheran faith, existed in the newly conquered province of Alsace, its status not affected by the Edict of Fontainebleau. [30], The Protestant Reformation was a triumph of literacy and the new printing press. It was more of a movement among the German people between 1517 and 1525, and then also a political one beginning in 1525. The Counter-Reformation, a movement within the Roman Catholic Church to reform and revive itself. They clarified and defended Catholic teachings. Reform writers used existing styles, cliches and stereotypes which they adapted as needed. Though we might think of the Reformation in spiritual terms and view its legacy primarily as a renewed understanding of the Gospel, the work of Christ, and the role of Scripture in the life of the church, the reformers themselves had no choice but to be involved in politics. Higher capability in reading, numeracy, essay writing, and history. On the eve of the Protestant Reformation, Christianity held the predominant position within the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and Catholicism received preferential treatment at the expense of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox. This unit introduces three religious-based reform movements: Protestantism in mainland Europe, Protestantism in England, and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, as well as the subsequent violence they caused. There were some notable opponents to the Henrician Reformation, such as Thomas More and Cardinal John Fisher, who were executed for their opposition. The study argues that these social ties contributed more to the Reformation's early breakthroughs than the printing press. Beginning in Germany and Switzerland in the 16th century, the Radical Reformation developed radical Protestant churches throughout Europe. The former settled in the Vistula Delta where they used their agricultural abilities to turn parts of the delta into plodders. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The vested interest thus created made for a powerful force in support of the dissolution. Where Protestant reformers enjoyed princely patronage, they were much more likely to succeed. Other Protestant movements grew up along the lines of mysticism or humanism (cf. One famous incident illustrating this was when radical Zwinglians fried and ate sausages during Lent in Zurich city square by way of protest against the Church teaching of good works. The Reformation was the start of Protestantism and the split of the Western Church into Protestantism and what is now the Roman Catholic Church. The Counter-Reformation (also known as the Catholic Reformation, 1545 to c. 1700) was the Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation (1517-1648). The Reformation was thus a media revolution. Northern Europe, with the exception of most of Ireland, came under the influence of Protestantism. [53] Frederick's son, Christian, was openly Lutheran, which prevented his election to the throne upon his father's death. Instead the Catholic Church undertook a long and steady campaign of persuasion. The compromise was uneasy and was capable of veering between extreme Calvinism on one hand and Catholicism on the other. [62] In 1647, Massachusetts passed a law prohibiting any Jesuit Roman Catholic priests from entering territory under Puritan jurisdiction. Their refusal to endorse completely all of the ritual directions and formulas of the Book of Common Prayer, and the imposition of its liturgical order by legal force and inspection, sharpened Puritanism into a definite opposition movement. Protestant literature was produced at greater levels in cities where media markets were more competitive, making these cities more likely to adopt Protestantism. Arguably, the Reformation was initiated by Martin Luther's ninety-five theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany, in the year 1517. [29], Despite significant diversity among the early Radical Reformers, some "repeating patterns" emerged among many Anabaptist groups. The next sizable territories were the Landgraviate of Hesse (1526; at the Synod of Homberg) and the Electorate of Saxony (1527; Luther's homeland), Electoral Palatinate (1530s), and the Duchy of Wrttemberg (1534). He was the father of seven children, including Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia.

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